You look at what you touch.

What you often look at,

you remember.

In 1998, Walt Disney Co entered as a pioneer on checkout dividers in the USA, setting the standard for epic advertising.
Kundpinne & NKT Malmborgs
Kundpinne med Borås djurpark som annonsör

Conquer top of mind

All companies strive for a tangible presence in the consumer's consciousness. The goal is clear: to be the first company that comes to mind – to become the obvious choice.

To achieve top-of-mind awareness with consumers, a company needs to expose itself, and it's challenging to break through the noise. With us, you'll be visible in the location where the most people gather in the vicinity, regardless of your target audience.

With checkout dividers in your media mix, you ensure that you land in the consumer's top of mind without being intrusive.

Your brand is what sets you apart from the competition.

Checkout dividers ensure that your brand is recognized.

Advertising VS Branding

Advertising is short-term targeted advertising that requires the customer to have the need at a specific time.
Brand reinforcement is a long-term exposure that builds trust with the consumer.

Top of mind

"Top of mind" refers to a brand or product that is foremost in the consumer's consciousness when thinking about a specific industry or category.

A customer need arises
Imagine you've gone on vacation but forgot to pack toothpaste, so you need to buy a new one.
Do you then purchase a familiar or unfamiliar brand?
The customer chooses
The customer chooses the provider they have chosen before and are satisfied with, have been recommended or recognize, with the price being secondary.
Checkout dividers
Checkout dividers are found in grocery stores across the world and are used by 80% of customers who pay at the traditional checkout counters.
You look at what you touch. What you often look at, you remember.

With the help of checkout dividers, we ensure that the consumer is aware of your brand when their needs arise.
We put your brand top of mind.


Checkout dividers were first used in 1974 at the former B&W in Arninge Sweden, which you can hear inventor Evy Willén talk about in the video below. Video is in Swedish.

The purpose of the checkout divider is to separate the items of the store customer on the checkout counter's conveyor belt. Checkout dividers are usually made out of PVC, but there are checkout dividers made out of metal and wood that, while durable, tend to get stained quickly.

Since 2002, "Svenska Spel" has used checkout dividers in their marketing for their scratch-off lottery ticket "Triss". Other advertisers you can find on the checkout dividers in Sweden include PostNord, Sverigelotten, Aftonbladet, Expressen, and last but not least, some of the hundreds of businesses that are visible through us.

Kundpinnar används över hela världen och har vanligtvis fyra sidor likt de du ser på denna sida men de finns också i trekantiga utföranden och som bockar i likhet med våra skyltar. Ordet ”kundpinne” antas ha blivit etablerat i Fredrik Lindströms TV-program ”Värsta språket” som sändes 2002-2003 och ordet togs in i Svenska Akademiens ordlista 2015.

Alternativa benämningar på kundpinne är bland andra orden kassakloss, varuavskiljare, kassapinne, kundkloss, varubergsavskiljare, nästa kund, stafettpinne, köstav och kundavskiljare.

Generally speaking, the checkout divider is placed across the checkout conveyor belt but the Facebook group "We who turn the stick" aims to "create a discussion about what happens when a larger group does something that breaks the norm in a fairly innocent way."

What ever you call it or however you place it; the most important thing is that you use it

Kundpinnar vilka exponerar Branäs.
Kundpinne och nästa kassa skylt hos Maxi ICA Stormarknad Moraberg i Södertälje
kassakloss varuavskiljare kassapinne kundkloss varubergsavskiljare nästa kund stafettpinne köstav kundavskiljare
kassakloss varuavskiljare kassapinne kundkloss varubergsavskiljare nästa kund stafettpinne köstav kundavskiljare

The expression "Life on a stick" is more than just words to us; it's a passion that permeates every product we create. Since our inception in 2020, we have delivered tens of thousands of handmade checkout dividers to customers across Sweden and Europe. We are a family-owned business, which imbues a familial sense in all our interactions and products.

We stand on two legs:

1. Retail sales of checkout dividers and signs to stores, retail chains, checkout counter manufacturers & advertisers.

2. Continuous, free-of-charge service for stores and chains funded by external advertisers approved by the store. - partners all over Sweden


Do you, as a store, want to learn about our free service agreement or purchase your own checkout dividers?

Do you, as a business owner, want to showcase your brand in a specific store?

Våra grafiker hjälper er kostnadsfritt med annonsutformning om ni önskar det.

För prisuppgifter fyller ni i formuläret så återkommer vi inom 12 timmar.

    *Required fields.


    Du vill exponeras på kundpinnar

    You choose which stores.
    What you would like to expose.
    For how long.

    Kostnad: 0,005SEK - 0,03SEK/contact beroende på butik.

    Kostnadsfri annonsutformning.
    Fyll i fälten nedan så återkommer vi inom 12 timmar.


    Vi ger dig det lägsta priset i Europa på kundpinnar.

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    Ingen kostnad för originalarbete.
    Fyll i fälten nedan så återkommer vi inom 12 timmar.